

CodeName => ("mathewCodex"),
I'm a software developer
that Create minimal & functional web applications,
Powered by the latest Technologies"


Click to see rainBows๐ŸŒˆ

w o r k s
lots of cakes
Recipe App
A recipe app that uses spoonacular API to display data integrated by using javascript to create powerful functions for Users with a search function for finding over 100,000 recipe and a details of cooking process. Yummy ๐Ÿ˜›
Visit App
Bank App
A static frontend logical bank application that performs basic frontend function of a bank applications such as transaction, loaning and lots more, using javascript to create this UI functions theres no database for Handling data.
Visit APP
Blog APP
This is a react based blog that performs basic CRUD operation to a blog with a mini database
26 December 2019
Tour APP
This is a powerful application built with nodejs, express,and mongodb as the NOsql database that display available tour locations using lng,lat geoloction stored by the user and diplay location with mapboxgl as the API, datarendering from server to client and also provide payment process using stripe and a lot of fullStack features.๐Ÿ˜Ž

javascript / C / shell


Js as my primary language is one
of my most confidential tool
I used to create functions in UI.
As I am also a working progress in C ,
I am confident in using bash and writing shell codes.
version controls git and github



Learning NODEjs had made me to be termed
as a MERN STACK dev,
due to its scalable, powerful and consiced MVC approach
I find it comfortable,effiecient and interesting
to use in creating my
Fullstack MERN applications.

REACT/Ts - nextjs

Front-end and library

Frameworks and library are like a dream come
true for developers in all tech fields as a developer
I am greatfull for the community
that developed react and TS and others
which has been a great tool in both frontend
and backend applications ,
Learning this tools was and is fun as
I used them to created scalable ,
fullstack and typed safe code for my application
within a reasonable time range and effieciency.



Mathew Emmanuel
software Engineer

A simple Tech experience for a simple life.

    ©2022 mathew emmanuel. all rights reserved

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